Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pokemon History Today


tonight I would go back up a statement which I have already done a few times but that he had won and Emanuele is the claim that all but the opposite of everything is good and right, are the real thing.
I believe this statement to us that we are still able to discern what is architecture, what is the structure unchanged, we believe true, we believe it is just as I said, that has different interpretive possibilities.
I think it's difficult for a mind that uses the reason for a man who has already had an experience and that this experience is full of encounters that were really everything and its opposite of all, because if we think that beautiful things are true, are just and good, come to understand that he who offends us, the one who harms us, the one who created us suffering, is all well and good, I'm afraid is almost impossible ... certainly difficult for a rational mind, for a man who suffered bumps that sometimes hurt again, that sometimes creates suffering, desire for revenge and sometimes revenge, thinking that it serves to bridge the wrongs they have suffered and looking through another wrong to report that rebalancing the mind thinks is right ... but it is not.
Everything is the opposite of everything good and right thing. If not, would not truth the words that I said when we talked and when I speak of what was and what will be.
If you do not come together to accept, to believe in this statement, you can hardly accept the target that we set before us.
I would like the words that I - but also those who, like me, are placed within this circle - they make sense and have to satisfy even you.
not pretend, do not ask that your mind to accept truth and goodness of the statements that I, we, we in this circle, but I wish you and poneste misuraste, if not - I repeat - a mental and logical but at the level of wholeness in this statement, so hope that we can learn, response, which can also be negative, otherwise, but that's inside of you so far on the words that I place within this circle. The
everything and the opposite of everything, good and evil, black and white, are nothing more than codifications essential being, after his birth and after the activation and establishment of contacts and awareness of own body and mind, it implements. He needs to code, it needs to create schemes through which you can begin to live ... but I believe that everything is right, indispensable. I think that the statement and the formation of man, his taking possession of self, have the need to create the duality duality ... that is functional only in the first third of becoming human, but then gradually go to settle for being overcome by a different truth through intuition that brings different views .... through living and through the consciousness that the man charged as a result of his act that goes to draw awareness to what is latent but never gone inside human consciousness that ties him to what was the matrix, what is the matrix that remains immutable in every man ... in every moment of his life.
is precisely the connection between what the matrix is \u200b\u200bimmutable and the extent to which man gives of his feelings, which leads the difference.
This is also an affirmation that I think categorically, without question. The matrix does not change, the matrix becomes the matrix. It is only awareness of it that the man who creates the possible differences, measurements, weights.
The man at the end of your car by definition, already told you, live it with full responsibility, with full mayor and through the truth of what is the choice of free will, man what extent are the certainties, securities that have matured, which has been defined through their living through this period. The man shakes what is the tree that has grown to reach what is the free choice of powerful tools that give through his life has improved.

sell them on the basis of something, knowing the futility of them for what is the path that awaits him.
To get to do this he must intuit the goodness of this destination, this goal is essential for humans, which may, through flashes of intuition, that which is vision. Through the term vision is to define what is the chance to see what the original motion and also what I tried to explain the original motion ... that runs next to us and we in it we get by, mostly trying to create friction and resistance to this movement, convinced that, through our agency, owners are able to give direction.
But so be it, if you feel that this is the way that allows you to be able to choose, strong in the goodness of decisions. A series of flashes of insight, leading to delineate what is the vision, every man needs to see its vision and the vision is not merely the appearance, size, see what is the structure and its matrix.
The vision has a great power: is to allow man to believe that whatever happens is within what is the path, the movement ... in the original fund is to come to accept that everything and its opposite is a good thing. and every action, be it black or white, good or bad leads in the direction ... ... ... try to stay with me ... I need to see what are your skills so that I can also speak your mind, what are the good things that have recognized their own, that give color, give you a feeling of good location, right of way.
I have to talk through these you can also call strongholds, but the good thing is that you bring with you. It is essential that the person who acts as teacher, guide, to be able to maintain contact with those who seek to follow him at that time. It is only through the knowledge of everyone. ... I find it difficult to define this term but we could also call them disciples through this baggage ... that he who at the time you put a step further to be able to speak to keep this communication. If I tried to tell, to explain what is the structure without using words, terms and concepts that belong to you, I would not do nothing but undermine the contact between us.
Him who is able to see a little further but can not get too far away to try to bring those close to him arises. It is easy think that one who is able to have clear vision can help the one who still has not perceived through their own experience ....
word .... Termino trying to say one more thing: I will resume my care and concern the speech started, but know that it is important not to create this clear distinction between one who is able to see and to have clear vision and those who do not yet have the means.
There are specific examples for what is the story of man and his becoming, those who were able to see a glimpse of what was called the future, truth or certainty, never tried to define clearly what was their vision, but for those who asked aid is used riddles, questions, parables. This is to move what is the land of no one who seeks to give a vision of what awaits them.
not expect ever to be a teacher, by an oracle from one who is able to have clear vision or precise answers to reading illuminating the path that awaits you. Through these responses would be changed so explicit and upset what is your progress.
man's journey through the original motion is nothing but a continuous state agency. If there was someone that would prevent you giving answers of what to expect, you preclude the possibility of being present through the free will. In the search
always be wary of those who have the answers and have vision about what to expect, the true master will never explicit, but will only move, burglary of your becoming the ground.

town looking for the body now.
try to hush our presence, we look for the pond, let us feel all around - I am with you - in this pond. We feel the water that connects us, makes us all at the same time a common body. From the center of the pond part
wave that seeks us out, we found, that moves us and brings us back toward the center of the pond.
Try to feel your vision, the vision is one thing lets make it so good and just everything that touches you and everything you touch.
The vision is the certainty of being unshakable faith is all well and good.


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