Today m'è intake so. Not immediately, no. This morning, in fact, I was in high spirits, as happens to me every waking after the outputs with the Pirate. Yesterday, then, I have been particularly well with him, despite my bad mood. It 'been a slow decline, until I found myself, a few minutes ago, with old photos and do not cover.
I miss my friends. I miss your time, fuck.
I need them to look me in the eye and explain to me what I have inside, because they see me better than I can carry them out. I need to tell me "You're doing a shit, forget ...", or" It 's the right thing, go ahead. " I need a hug that I remember that they, nevertheless, are still there, there will always be. I need to see them laugh out loud in kidding, I need a pat on the back and to feel that maybe this time is the right choice, I need to spend an evening in "casual dress", made of white Martini and Chinese food, chat and colored glazes.
I need something that no mail, no SMS, no chat, no phone calls, it may be never ... ♥
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