Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nokia 6500 Slide Pokemon

Cooking: The Cheese Cake

Giuseppe Di Fiore

Ladies and Gentlemen ( drum roll) we are proud to introduce our first guest Friend!
15.15, perfectly on time she arrives, the Ciiiiiiii. Program this afternoon for weeks and finally here is the complete team: I, you and another. The challenge of the day is my famous Cheese Cake recipe that I acquired from my wonderful aunt Antonette, a true master in the kitchen and in life. For some time my friend Ciiiiiiii as affectionately call it, torture me to steal the recipe and finally I surrendered. We take the opportunity to pass along a nice afternoon in closed kitchens blend, mix and chat.
As I said a moment ago, perfectly on time, our friend guest arrives bearing the gift of the precious berries that are going to decorate our cake. I pull out a cookbook from my crumpled sheet, like the treasure map, and begin to list the ingredients, to make sure everything is ready.
The recipe of course, is in English, which creates a bit 'of disappointment in my apprentices. But I've to translate?! Just get the scoop right and everything is possible.
To give a twist to the recipe, I and my crew we decided to test the end: that is, prepare the crust with biscuits and butter to put on the bottom of the pan. Our Cynthia takes care of the thing, and arming of the subject not just the usual but in the end very useful purpose, spread with great skill the foundations of our crispy cake.
The secret of cheese cake dough is not perfect, because believe me it is extremely simple: everything goes in a huge bowl and blend at a constant speed for 15-20 minutes. It is the cooking that enhances the sweet and that makes you a talented cook. The pan, lined with aluminum foil, going to bake in water bath in a pan filled with water even bigger and everything in the oven. I know it may seem complicated ... which indeed it is'!
The scent begins to expand and Ciiiii asks me with wide eyes, "but it is the cake that smells like this?". Yes Yes Yes! Swells as if it would come out from the tin and gold at the right point let rest in oven for one hour before you take it out and leave it for another 2 hours in his solitude. I recommend it to cool very good, more is more in the fridge becomes good. You can taste so
it is, or garnish with whipped cream, strawberries, syrup or Nutella (the way I like my husband!). We decided to use a few knobs of whipped cream and the wonderful berries (blackberries and currants): the result was wonderful. I've never been so proud of my cheese cake as on this occasion.

All passed with flying colors!


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