2011 February 4, 2010
Let it be clear that my intention is to free you from what is the sense of guilt, but to do so I have to make sure that becomes a real, concrete, present, uploading it weight, weight that does not belong to time and at locations distant from what you are here and now, but weight is still real in what is the life that is passing.
I would like the guilt was not a burden accumulated settled somewhere, but that is precisely the presence, Agent
... The sense of guilt. I also said that through the presence of this sense of guilt a person begins to move his life, through the guilt a force, an energy that drives him to do something happen.
In almost all religions, but probably in all of the ways to view, theorizing what is the meaning of life, what is the sense of guilt is an essential presence. I tried to use terms that belong to the religion that maybe you know better, I spoke of sin, original sin committed by someone who is not you, but try to think of other visions, attempts to codify and explain the life ... think of the chain of reincarnations, when the man comes to be born already charged with something he had already committed.
is no longer the vision of what is original sin, a shame that we almost bubble, we overloaded a load that we can barely stand ... but the same chain of reincarnations, when a lifetime is to weigh up what is the possibility and opportunity of the man who is born, or other religions and ways of seeing and thinking that discriminate being male or female, the weight that comes with it - as a saddle - put on your back ... You need
is a need, is the way to make sense of this constant desire to move, move, or in order to purify it, or make sense of awareness, it does not matter. Create
movement, when we know that it exists, does not need to be provoked, the wheel, the flywheel itself move that is becoming, does not need to cause or reason why the wheel could be inspired and moved.
think then that this birth brings us heavy burdens that oppress us, arising from experience and that will not affect us but we can only be accepted and what weight it will be with us, it is useful to ensure that the man does not recognize the mayor in that was his birth ... I always told you that the selection, the primary expression of free will, was to be born and this statement will not be weight, not to be stain, should not be a sin but should be full awareness of the occasion, the clear choice.
is a consciousness that gives some weight, certainly does not stain, does not sin ... but it gives some encouragement and strength, precise understanding of the opportunity that lies ahead. There is no doubt that what is the historical development and the precise timing of the move and the space that harbors serious baggage that accompanies not only the individual man, but a hood is clear that all of the winds and sailing conditions.
The action of each individual man is one that affects the ability of each. Become aware, after having suffered for most of the living and the flow of becoming, it means really free and light and free themselves from this burden to consciously choose new state agency. What awaits each man, and what concerns us, what awaits each of you to, is the move once again to the door that faces a new life, new birth, a new condition of pure, uncluttered, and free ... to ensure that the choice you make is truly present, alive, participating, has expressed willingness to be precise, without any coercion, without any force that pushes or draws, without any intervention which is not your will, and research. Get away guilt-free means to another worlds and ask precise and pure choice of free will.
Death will not force any of those who have sought and freely and knowingly wanted to try. If the choice of research truly free and informed, draws result, he brings hope, help and force states to once again freely express free will and choice through this rebirth to new life.
After my birth will put you in the possibility that forces every birth.
Think how much and how the guilt oppresses still, if you ask him who was born response, participation, expression of the birth, almost always rinfaccerà you the will and choice that led to the birth ... but the way where you here today and will put towards my birth, has the exact same connotation.
stamped cleanse, lighten and the objective, and to do so must grasp, it must be admitted, one must mention what you want to leave: If anything you can away from you, you can hardly leave the weight and burden from your shoulders.
It's easy, believing that what oppresses you and will be responsible for someone else ... when you were born was the choice, precise, and what you have to be certain. Nothing for you, no one chose or decided for you ... there are forces that push or draw, if not free choice and will.
still insist on guilt, because I do not recognize me and I will not even wear it to be like and brother.
movement that will lead to your connection will be similar and brothers ... We
the pond now, and through it create the common body in which we believe ... ... ....
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