Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Heart Murmur In Older Yorkie


There are two terms that I believe we must continue to explore, to define with more precision, and the love and truth.
What is love - definition among other things that you have somehow developed when we asked the question "how to help," the obvious answer and easily recognized by each of you, was to answer that the person has to want to help ... to be loved - not to believe that my claim that love if there is not the time of completion of what is the matrix, however, love has different degrees, sought love, love desired, love as the main instrument believed to approach and meet the other, remains an important statement to believe that love can be the instrument.
But my need was to make you understand that love can not be reached, therefore the search for it has never run.
The need to continue to seek to ensure that it is pursued, this research, so that love becomes increasingly clear, pure, precise, original, and that the individual has a need for is the one that was his birth and death beyond what will be his fate, love ... being with. And try to do this, always liked to make a pure love is certainly useful, it is certainly good way to live. To love and be with.
Let me try to clarify and repeat well - because I know that many times I told you - that means asking to be equally as similar and brother. I do not love him who has need, I can not love one who needs. I can not love someone you want to meet. One who needs
is placed on a different level, in some way less than what you are, you are able to help ... even with the love to do this, but only to put the issues at stake in this way means to ensure that love can not be, your energy is channeled in a tortuous intestine created by the mind ... it's true - there I also said - there are people suffering caused by many reasons and causes, but only when they meet them as brothers and like you can truly love them.
The Samaritans, who are dressed in white clothes and came up with the gold and myrrh are not those who seek to love. Is there a way to love even those who suffer, if you will be able to discern, to read what is the right time, will never happen will happen as the first time in which it will approach. It is not given to you to create this condition, this magic moment propitious.
Always think about how children behave. After all, the purity of their choices - which are not simply needs - there is a track to understand how it can. The child is close to what was his birth, the child has within himself to remember what it was the love he has left and that naturally pursues through its demands, it needs to be embraced, that need to be tightened This needs to be brought almost into what is the mother's body through contact physical, through the bottom as the only thing.
The child has no need for affection is not the child, the child wants to create what were the conditions that - still latent within him, but somehow present - carry the memory of what was the ideal condition, the lost paradise . Love ... love your love your brother like that ... ...
Freedom. Freedom, I told you, is witness to what is the essence within you, what is the matrix. But how is it made out and the fact that it may be active in testimony and what are the choices that you make every day? It is essential that what is the box can somehow be overcome ... let the schemes develop naturally and automatically to overcome them, for them ... ... it means to be free to seek answers, go beyond what is the mental process.

I find it hard to get to better define what is the impediment that you bring to the opportunity to express - free - that the array. Try to always see me as that child who puts the first steps that naturally expresses the matrix that is within him.
I'm still not fully defined what are the components that are required to man: the mind and body. You, however, mature and are now masters of these instruments, you have to live with and enabled more and more refined, almost independently, to manage what is your act ... decisions without thinking, put in place without movement there is a link, breakers that trip ...
your season, I I think, is a season that will come close to what was the situation before the birth, already told you this too, but still would like to repeat: it is not a difficulty, a weakness to discover that his own body and mind give in attention. Try to consider as a possibility, such as quality, the inability to use these tools so capable. The blur can
action, sometimes the clarity and precision of logic and so can be quite a tool to catch new and different way to express their presence in life.
annoyed trying to create training, retraining, upgrading of those who have the physical tools, it makes no sense. If you will come to understand that the limit of these and somehow the end, the degenerate, may well give rise to new possibilities, different, able, capable of that being that the mind has never been able to slow down what is trying to make sense ... more becoming the move.
There are sounds that the mind has never been able to perceive and manage the children well, for example ....

We seek the common body now, we try to be there, and like brothers, let us leave, removing those that are our qualities, potential ... but even those who are our needs and our weaknesses. We try to take off - what were clothing - place it next to land, free to enter, approach the pond, the one area that we know well and that affects us all at the same time, same place ... in that water and try to let go without force, without fear. You know well that an item that belongs to you, is within you.
From the center part of the wave pool, the same movement that everyone you touch your body ... floating, useless. ... your mind ... incapable.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Do I Protect My Door From


As I said, I am closer to what was the condition of the matrix of what is the condition of the individual, the flesh, man. I told you that I need to turn back again to see what was the immutable structure, which was before the explosion that led to the creation of precise crumbling of what was the only essence, the matrix, in that multitude of situations and individuals that are the universe .... but I am also sure that my journey takes me to get closer to what is your condition, my journey takes me to create what is the definition of mind that belongs to the individual ... so that individual, single and precise configuration units specifically detached from what it was all that was only the matrix.
The matrix contains everything and to give truth to this statement needed to crumble this great explosion that created each particular component of this matrix is \u200b\u200bthe only thing that has remained so even while shredding this was only a witness break down into many parts. If it were not so
could not make it true to say that the array contains any any thing, part, fragment, nuance of what is to be unique. The condition of the matrix is \u200b\u200bthe true stable state that is at the beginning and end - they are not two different locations, times, places - but it is precisely firm, where it is.
is simply what is the affirmation of the wholeness that makes space and real-time and this need, this necessary evidence, you are faithful and accurate samples. The only real stable state, I repeat, was the matrix, the matrix is \u200b\u200bthe starting point and end point, was perfection, and perfection ... but to say this is my truth is needed to create those that were different shades, the transition from what was a perfect condition to the explosion of single individuals, for the return and then later denied, if not impossible in this way, what was the drive again.
is simply the truth of unity, unity is simply the truth of freedom.
The condition of freedom is the essence of that part of the array that is in every one of you ... and the path that leads to it is the road that leads to love, which is reached only when what is the matrix returns such. Man is only allowed to walk in that direction or, better yet, to facilitate what is the natural movement that leads to the original condition of the matrix.
Only the joining and completing it also becomes the very essence of love is reached, is completed, perfectly defined. So when I told you that man can only try to tend to that condition is a true statement ... and much more for me today is when I detach myself from that position to reach the partiality of the condition of the individual, incarnate, why is it that we are talking about it, that you represent.
witness to the purity, the precision of this love, body of the municipality that is the matrix, is to express freedom, which is reached only when the matrix goes back to redefine itself. I do not know if what I'm trying to explain would be acceptable to you, certainly not experienced, I believe, because that is too far to the memory after your incarnation, it's too far away for what will be your destination after death ... can hardly be felt and shared, at least recognized as possible.
But when the man is to take what I have called the original motion trying to think why is it that so be it, that man is a precise direction the current original door, you go to grasp what has become in harmony, man can perceive what is love and the freedom to express that condition.
The individual is truly free when they can express the matrix that is in him, which is one thing, which is being-with any single existing, but already being able to combine two or more individuality through a search for love or need to create a body of a common appearance, you can take tracks you can feel movement in the right, in the current one.
My difficulty to be with you to share your skills to sense and to read is one that is undermined by the short distance that still separates me from what was the conscience of the matrix and what I was ... but I am quite certain that my birth through the will and free choice, free of constraints or conditions, whether the meeting was to ask me with you who are so different and foreign from what was my condition of your departure.
I have asked in what is the current that belongs to the original becoming, accompanying the individual man to return to the matrix. It is essential for me to inspire you to pursue what is the need of being free, free to show and testify in actions and not being in the presence what is the matrix. The matrix has no color but possesses all possible shades, the matrix has no sound but it belongs to any shade. Recognize your color, your vibration, and bring it to merge into what is the only possible love, which is the Eucharist, completeness, unity, fellowship in every single detail that the blast, fragmentation, created. And never try to think that when the blast, fragmentation, is complete, the unit will not be there, there, is absolutely not true. He pitched
forms changing, complex, impossible to understand ... but it remains unique matrix fixed, stable .... Immutable. there is no change, movement, what is the stability of the matrix. Be a part of it because without your detail, your individuality, it can not be whole. Pursue love, look through freedom, and bear witness to prove it I think it's so profitable to be a man. I also want to reiterate that what is still the original motion, the evolution will lead you to go back to being what they were, the fear does not even have to touch them that there might be a possible solution other than this. In my statement, however, the opposite of everything and everything can be covered, the path can be tortuous, the trust - for him recognizing in themselves the possibility of free will is hard-certainty, but to give in to this vision is a sign of strength, is a sign of ability, intuition, and intuition already occurred that leads to awareness and consciousness, and luggage that already belongs to you .
is just test the limits of the box in which what is the matrix is. ... And this box is just the man with its definition and its being limited, because it should be. Do not think that is an injury to be a man, who is a limit to be a man, but it is definitely a limit is necessary, because this limit will only say with precision the integrity matrix.
I understand that it is more difficult to identify individual portions of what is the plan but I also feel the need to embrace your part sometimes large portions of it. Let the body
common now, we try to be very similar and brothers, the only thing we try to create the spark that it is clear testimony of what is to be single, common body, matrix ... ...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Karting Straightening Treatment

diecisettembre 2010 2010 2010 2010

A question . A question of opportunity and need that is not sort of say in your earlier, but I float in this circle ... and the question to ask is: "How, in what capacity, in what condition, in which predisposition there arises the meeting? "The meeting with the person you want to love, and also on this statement I would like to be a little clearer.
Since you also have well said that to love means to be with, share, be something unique, the condition for the person you meet is the person you want to love is the desire to be with her, to share, to become something unique, common body, so even if the person you meet asks you for help and that can lead you in this desire to love, to be with, is the person you want to love, in this case is the person that you devote as opposed as counterpart to what should be the match.
Not necessarily to love someone is to have frequent visits are essential, time, history, even the person you meet for the first time in a fleeting moment can be the person that you want to love, whether between you and she puts this need, this need, this desire to be with, to be something unique, to create communion.
Let us therefore what must be the question: what is the answer, how, how it arises as the meeting? The answer that comes spontaneously although difficult to define better ... the answer is to place yourself in freedom. Asking
freedom means in your part really put out of balance, leaving those that are the certainties through which of course your mind will seek ways to create strategies and solutions ... so on your part to be free means to be - yes, really - out of balance and free from those who are your shields, your arms, your quality your goodness, your beauty. Ask yourself this way, truly free to ask the meeting to take place outside, above and below those are the conventions, skills, recognize their potential, and are not ... your true potential, are simply weapons, are simply tools that you have honed through - yes - those are the main points and evidence on of them, so put your effort to strip naked free really means those who are the tools - if we do not want to call them weapons - such as are their clothes - if we do not want to call them guards - but ask yourself this, available, receptive to the 'meeting will take place.
course becomes spontaneous glimpse solution, see who can "help" - that's a term I do not like to use and very little use - when they met someone who's never the person who needs help ... . the match is equal, the meeting is free, the meeting is really in an equilibrium condition states, equal, similar, fraternal. On your part, this being free from those who love you as much freedom.
It is easy for the person sick or confused, unable to understand, is a raging torrent, and when you place availability as this stream flows waterfall, swollen and full of water, for so long pressed against dikes and your be there at that time, in conditions of freedom, does nothing but open these dams and the murmur becomes unbearable, uncontrollable, and they are not free of the person who stands beside you and wants to be loved.
always the person in distress, the person who suffers an imbalance forced, coerced, continue to develop what are the reasons and causes that led to this imbalance, and never will be free to express what the imbalance leads to that person, and the objective is really to put the meeting on being out of balance and not about what led to the imbalance. Pay attention to this aspect, believe me, it really becomes a river in the middle of the need to express what were the causes and reasons for suffering, that he who suffers it recognizes it as such and not as a situation of imbalance.
The freedom of the place when they discovered this unbearable weight, this need of the mind to create due to the effect that the forces in that suffering which he called disequilibrium. Freedom for this person will be to go further so that it can safely and freely express what happens in a situation where he is located, drive out those that are the causes, to ensure that they slide and decantino lack of strength and energy, because it appears what is the situation of being in that moment, in that place, in a situation of meeting of two people who want to love each other.
is natural that this takes place the lid off, throw it emotional, it is natural that at that moment that he is freer to be able to wait and see the time at which creep into Its free standing, naked, precise, then the other will be brought with them, will be the meeting that takes place in the state of being and not in progress, stop time, stop the space, found in disequilibrium, with the hands that hold each other lest the fall so feared, so terrible, so dangerous.
be free in the encounter, allowing others to be free in the meeting. Always the one who suffers the imbalance caused by an illness or an inability to understand, is anxious to try to remove those causes. The mind tries desperately to reason because sometimes when the ground will be seized can be removed, chased him away, but this is not so. Many times they met through the despair, the inability to understand how to grasp because nothing concrete can be grasped to be removed, but simply that freedom has to be recognized not as a stumbling block, obstacle, ballast.
The meeting always takes place in freedom, nudity in some way - we use this term - in the nakedness of the man who is acknowledged with tattered clothes, with a body in pain and bleeding and the other one who stands in white clothes, with the answers in hand, this is not a meeting, this is nonsense, this is presumption ... on both sides, no doubt ... this is not to help and be helped, because when you recognize a situation like this, someone has to be helped, someone who can help, we are already equipped, armed, protected and unable to be free, so ... the meeting never happen, the semblance of love that communion, only to be defined, does not happen ... but it is pulling them, the leaves, it is sailing, you paint, the forces are in narrow situations without success. Freedom is the answer.
Freedom is a term that has to be acknowledged, and freedom for every individual situations and has connotations just different from those that are mainstays, the chairs in which the child clings, grateful for the support, grateful for the ability to stand next to them ... almost using what is the rigidity and integrity. It is a sign of weakness, a sign of immaturity.
Strive, in what is our circle, to find this freedom, freedom, however, leads you to not have arguments, leads you to not have the ways and reasons, it takes you to feel lost, with nothing in hand ... sometimes inability to see, lost in feeling alone, not to recognize similar next to you, but the way is certainly that.
The function of a circle, a group that is also of allowing each member to stand defenseless, unable to understand ... but free and not see through the glasses, not through lights that create precise definition, but only perceive shapes and sounds that make no sense if not to find echoes in you, distant echoes ancient ... ...
is no doubt that working too much with what is the mind and logic can sometimes create trouble ...
It is true that constantly beat in a box to create failure, frustration, but surely This will better define what are the limits of this case and understand that this box exists and has boundaries that common ground allows you to address them, shake, torn.
limit and the awareness of it is useful not break down or get confused by the vision of its own, your limitations. Define them, I repeat, can only be helpful in overcoming them, shake them ....

Trying to better define those who are my mainstays, my certainties, I am still able to discern what is the structure.

The structure is something that is not tied to becoming, is immutable, is the primary and primordial state, is the matrix.
enough for me to even look back to see the static nature of this design, but the door just to avert the birth of what is sure to create a new situation for which I was not prepared. ... but it will be a constraint, a provocation, is becoming a movement that never stops, is continuous, and through it I find myself changing what is my being. Building a
mind, logic, turn it and make it alive, it is a difficult task.
Smooth, create, define better what is my presence here among you, it's really hard ... and I'm ready for everything. I just try to compare what my be the one that you, in your desire to be like brothers and I put a template.
Define milestones that I am sure will no longer be conscious and active presence in my being new, is not useful, is not propositional, is not capable ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...