Sunday, April 26, 2009

Convert Californiaking Bed To Queen Headboard

April 25: Liberation from nazifascimo

"On April 25 in Italy is Liberation Day, please note that the anniversary of liberation from fascism. During the Second World War (1939-1945), after 1943, Italy found itself divided in two: the north Benito Mussolini and the Fascists had formed the Italian Social Republic, close to the Germans and the Nazis of Hitler, while the south is formed in opposition to the Badoglio government, in cooperation with the American and British Allies. To combat the Nazi-Fascist rule was organized resistance, formed by the Partisans. These were men, women, youth, elders, priests, soldiers, people from different walks of life, different political and religious ideas, but they had in common the will to fight personally, each with its own means to achieve democracy at home and respect for individual freedom and equality. On 25 April 1945, the partisans, backed by the Allies, came victorious in major Italian cities, putting an end to the tragic period of grief and ruins, and thereby starting the process of liberation of Italy from the oppression fascista.Qualche years later, the ideas of democracy and freedom, was born the Italian Constitution. "

This is written in history books, the same people who often are challenged by new assessments that it is customary to define revisionism. Any assessment of historical and political events of the day we want to give, the best way to prevent the sacrosanct objectivity to be affected by the alteration of historical facts is to stick to the concrete acts of politicians and government in place with laws and decrees as well as nell'andazzo squad. Then that this was the result of aberration of an idea and a policy that did not include in its germ, at least at the beginning, all the actions that followed and which led to the transformation into a dictatorship of the fascist movement itself, could justify a revisionist intentions, not the revisionism of the meaning of the concrete actions that were consumed. After the murder of Matteotti
the fascist movement, flourished in the population as a desire to redeem the cultural and political role that the Italian nation could claim as a function of its history, had to have a dramatic and decisive turn towards dictatorship. The cultures
action which vest in the fascist squads were given an attractive devotion to violence and coercion, unleashed almost spontaneously in the most sensitive all'infatuazione collective minds.
Playing strengthened national consciousness and unity was finally emanate from a pride of the people never germinated, but only planted in the one at home encouraged by the First World War. Mussolini escaped to the farmer a bit 'too carried away during the sowing and found himself, perhaps despite himself, to assume all responsibility for this turn toward the fascist movement suffered a fascist dictatorship. The precise moment was
Mussolini's speech in parliament after the murder of Matteotti, January 3, 1925: ".. I assume, I just, political responsibility, morality, history of all that is avvenuto.Se phrases more or less crippled enough to hang a man, outside the pole and off the rope! If fascism was not to bludgeon and castor oil, and not a proud passion of the best Italian youth, to blame me! If fascism was a criminal, I am the leader of this conspiracy! If all the violence were the result of a specific historical climate, political and moral, well to me the responsibility for this, because this climate historical, political and moral I have created with a propaganda that goes by the intervention to date. "
From then on the fascist dictatorship was not afraid to come out and, as if they want to discuss and revise, were violated fundamental freedoms, to the shame of racial laws of 1938, undertaken to please the German ally and signed by the King of Italy without batting an eyelid.
could be mentioned in hundreds of thousands of episodes of everyday civilian life where you broke the highest human right to express themselves freely and peacefully, according to the spontaneous dignity.
Fascism was a dictatorship and the fact that it was almost the entire Italian people to be infatuated with for twenty years, not justified and not redeem the tragic political movement from the responsibilities ensuing civilian life first and then going to war.
resistance to the dictatorship matured in the last two years, from 1943 to 1945, when Italy was divided in two between the Republic of Salò, ordered by Hitler to restore the fortunes now adverse to the Nazi occupation and Italian Fascism, and the rest of the Italians fascist-backed allies.
On one side they were fighting to restore what fascism had become inevitable: the abolition of press freedom, violence on political dissent, suppression of political parties and associations of all kinds of other abuse European populations for national advantage, political and military subordination to psychosis Nazi imperialism grotesque and unrealistic, racial persecution and more.
the other is fighting to restore the fundamental human right: simply, the freedom!
episodes that were consumed were episodes of war, the victims were casualties of war. The horrors that were committed by both sides were equal, and also attributable to the madness that only knows war trigger.
But on the one hand there were those who had caused this war and the other who responded. And who reacted
laid the seeds of revival of the Italian nation to freedom. He wrote the basic principles of the Italian Constitution in which only a wicked man can not identify. Why are the fundamental principles of humanity, progress, development, culture, dignity, without which any people could not survive with dignity.
The denial of these principles has led and still leads to dictatorships.
Whoever does not like to put them into question and does not want a free people and self-determination.
Anyone who does not want to recognize that, in this nation, April 25, even with all the limitations of hand-partisan military, the Italian people has decided to take man's freedom against dictatorship, must be convinced that Italy is not the His ideal residence. Although, the same freedom of conscience won, will be able to express all the archaic absolutist claims that profess to be veiled in the name of a political dead issue in all developed Western countries and civilians who reject dictatorship, fascist or communist alike. The pity of the dead
no difference in the face! As no condemnation deserves the good faith of those who espoused the idea or he was captured surreptitiously on the basis of love of country. On
young people who were there because otherwise Salo shot for desertion, must be addressed to a particular human compassion.
about what we believed viscerally the same compassion, not to have understood that any large idea can have no value unless it presupposes the freedom of man, that policy is not conjecture but the greatest gift that God has given human instinct.
On all these vague pity, enthusiasm and recognition of the common good of the cause, the heirs of that experience dramatic can now meet together to strengthen the companies that channel the energies towards development, human dignity and those inalienable rights already violated only in underdeveloped societies. About
strongly condemns those who continue to dig up buried issues and defeated by history and human progress, does not remove the 'national reconciliation' of then opposing fronts, but more dutifully protect the inalienable rights, preventing new and dangerous backfiring, always there, whenever the company is coerced by the crisis of values \u200b\u200bin order to marry the superficiality of the myths that they know, unfortunately, recur in alternate history courses, under the guise of the benefit of the people. (Ap)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Can I Do With Mixed Vegetables

engine sizes, and contempt for democracy

That the right of satire is the salt of democracy do not need to repeat it. What wobbles when democracy is precisely the satire the first to suffer, widely taught us the story of all time.
Flying on the concept of freedom of the press and freedom of opinion, which apparently no longer a universal but partisan interpretation of the requirements (which sometimes also have the nerve to qualify with contradictory epithets, at least in mindset), we should analyze the specific event happened transmission Rai 'Annozero' and he saw the star cartoonist Vauro Senesi.
The Director General of RAI, Mauro Masi, terminated the contract with Vauro Senesi because of a cartoon "seriously detrimental to the feelings of pity for the dead and in conflict with the duties and mission of public service."
Now, to give such an interpretation of a satirical cartoon that aims to encourage all except a mockery to the victims, have to be really perverse. Or do not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of satire and actually get what he wants.
In that cartoon is all the pain and despair for a tragedy that probably could have been limited in its size. Find an assonance with the record, such as its volume, to associate with the tragic event, it could mean, meanwhile, report that the priority of interests with respect to the question whether there has been previous seismic activity.
Without disturbing the theory of what scholar who claimed to have foreseen the violent shock, the earthquake in L'Aquila had all the characteristics of predictability in general. In fact, many of the survivors have could tell because they slept on the couch, ready to escape from a possible shock stronger than that felt for days. While Italy
cubic discussed, no one is alarmed that much, if only to provide relief to the immediacy. From here the question is mandatory: you can not look like a responsible civil protection 12 hours after the earthquake was still stacked with the bulk of the relief on the Rome-L 'Aquila, instead of sitting there, ready at the gates the city?
And where is it written that we should not criticize the organization of the top only because his army is made up of thousands of volunteers the heroes whose efforts no one can ever doubt? During the emergency
any criticism is a handicap: only the collaboration has reason to exist. But after that? Then we will need to draw conclusions, to better themselves, to avert further tragedy, to correct errors. This is civilization! Evolution of civilization and progress against the barricades of power and propaganda aimed at flattening and enforced consensus.
missed in all this are the very people who had the constitutional duty to inform, as public television. But when someone dares to lay bare the dysfunctions and aberrations, they are hunted in the wrong way on the pretext of a cartoon, though strong in his typical spirit satirical, others did not want to transmit the despair of his author, his anger before a preventable tragedy, perhaps, his complaint against the governments' attention on issues inconsistent favorite alarm that deserved the earthquake swarm that was affecting the Abruzzo in the neglect of all reassure those watchmen who, until the alarm complaint brought against a man who gave it.
And then what would be disrespectful in a cartoon theme of the space requirements associated with the usual crudeness sarcastic? But how do you not understand the harshness of distress rather absurd and idiotic exegesis of irreverence to the dead? Each
manifests and represents its sensitivity with the means that are proper and, frankly, that sticker is one of the most moving and desperate cries of pain that these days we have ever raised. Just because crude and basic, dry and angry, shrill and violent, and resigned at the same time fighting ... what that exclamation point.
It 's the same reaction you would expect from any family affected by the tragedy of those deaths. Vauro seems to be involved in the vignette to the bone pain of that direct, almost familial. The feel and is very angry with the impudence towards a destiny foretold almost from the chronicle political and cynical quell'assonanza resumed with only a high intelligence and sensitivity may have the courage to represent in concrete terms so infinitely. How real the pain and its manifestations, light years away from fuss and ostentation of grief sliced \u200b\u200bofficial facade.
But now, everybody, ready to cut the head Vauro, when the head should be cut to all those who could only suspect the desecration of the victims, according to a reading such as to horrify even the most vile of jackals.
The same set can have multiple readings, any journalist knows, as he also knows that anything written is entrusted to the good faith of the reader, except stupidity occurred. That many, without grasping the apparent essence, they wanted to stop the association of the poor victims with a technical construction of the political discussion, it is very disarming and alarming.
If "everyone from his heart the size of others' will to be happy as we are represented, to the left or right, both in top Rai in public opinion, which condemned without trial, without elaborating that s'imbambola , who suspects rather than investigate, who sentenced instead to decompose, which hails the pilot information against any attempt to freedom of expression and criticism.
And all this in a country where public information Rai (like Mediaset) refuses to buy Berlusconi's gaffe of the interview, and the public worldwide. There will also be an exaggeration to force the interpretation of the Prime Minister (who surely wanted to refer to the times when he spoke from a camping weekend) but the fact remains that there was a shred of news that has commented or posted the interview, positive or negative. Meanwhile Vauro Senesi was taken to 'calcinculo' for having exercised his right to satire, however, far away ... very far from any intention petty detrimental.
If we are still a civilized country and we really want to be in solidarity with this new 'victim' of free information, we do Rai know our dissent at the top for that other dangerous threat to democracy. Do not let others 'edicts Bulgarians' to prevent anyone says, until we have more memory, which also Vauro Senesi as Enzo Biagi, she changed her program elsewhere because it paid more, "while his colleague a few journalists present at the blasphemy, nod without reply, to avoid jeopardizing his job. (Angel Papadia)