The Committee for the Protection of Landscape almost feels responsible for the way the story 'wind' that has led to a real administrative crisis, so much to feel the duty to comfort the mayor Vaglio, after the council dictates that created the first "embarrassment" and mutiny in the group Democratic Party which supports the majority.
In fact our friends from the CTP, although laudable and influential in the fight against the wild wind, they have not determined in this matter, but a slight acceleration in triggering the bomb that sooner or later would inevitably burst.
The razor's edge on which the wind over the affair is in fact much older than the recent skirmishes too and only the electoral opportunism or the illusion of being able in some last-minute sleight of hand, raised the issue in a sinister shadow that was designed precisely to confuse as much as possible the water. Even the honest
Screener (who honestly believes and holds to its territory) was surrounded by shadows that made this rarefied any clarity on this issue.
It was also perhaps rightly so.
is not easy to make decisions of such importance in its own territory, as it is not easy for any politician who is making choices that could affect the development and well-being of populations. Doubt is a must, and well they all did those who, at some point, have softened their initial intransigence (and populist) to engage in a serious feasibility study, as did the commission appointed by the same PD that, in this matter was (and generally unfairly) accused of Political Affairs.
But behind the Democratic Party were so many and such those devoted to the double (now a risiko newspaper) that I could not understand anything. And that someone could say it was marching only by appealing to some unlikely the usual intuition or malignancy for which often is a sin, but then there are guesses. Not that it lacked the visceral
convinced of the goodness of wind farms but the issue had become so muddied abject as to show any attempt at reasoning, logical, cold or calculated. Also because, prior to everything, is the overwhelming importance of the beauty of the area which would, however, been debased to rehash any of that initial project, sometimes it should be remembered, would have to shock someone else already, in other and distant times. So
wind was just moved from there, according to all those who care about the eco-tourism value of our territory.
was clear that any move to sweeten the pill would have seemed just a clumsy attempt at prestidigitation.
But the story does not pass only through the pure technical aspect or environmental or someone you think you've stretched the lead well, because the horses pulling the wagon of politics often already know where to go, especially if they were domesticated from those who did not miss the opportunity to wind off some pebble in the shoe ... (this was only good for connoisseurs: Hermeticism sorry but you can add meat to the fire when the grid is already too much smoke for themselves).
Even so, this story, like others, some that will end in smoke and, after a skirmish, everything must necessarily come back in the flow of routine. It would be too early to warm up for the next round election, you would consume energy at random. As you can see, in the end, even the noblest of instincts, always passes through the eye of the needle ... and if not usually that would be political?! (Ap)
But after this novel will be better to resume the gods of objectivity in the news, waiting for the next few hours of delicious facts.
In fact our friends from the CTP, although laudable and influential in the fight against the wild wind, they have not determined in this matter, but a slight acceleration in triggering the bomb that sooner or later would inevitably burst.
The razor's edge on which the wind over the affair is in fact much older than the recent skirmishes too and only the electoral opportunism or the illusion of being able in some last-minute sleight of hand, raised the issue in a sinister shadow that was designed precisely to confuse as much as possible the water. Even the honest
Screener (who honestly believes and holds to its territory) was surrounded by shadows that made this rarefied any clarity on this issue.
It was also perhaps rightly so.
is not easy to make decisions of such importance in its own territory, as it is not easy for any politician who is making choices that could affect the development and well-being of populations. Doubt is a must, and well they all did those who, at some point, have softened their initial intransigence (and populist) to engage in a serious feasibility study, as did the commission appointed by the same PD that, in this matter was (and generally unfairly) accused of Political Affairs.
But behind the Democratic Party were so many and such those devoted to the double (now a risiko newspaper) that I could not understand anything. And that someone could say it was marching only by appealing to some unlikely the usual intuition or malignancy for which often is a sin, but then there are guesses. Not that it lacked the visceral
convinced of the goodness of wind farms but the issue had become so muddied abject as to show any attempt at reasoning, logical, cold or calculated. Also because, prior to everything, is the overwhelming importance of the beauty of the area which would, however, been debased to rehash any of that initial project, sometimes it should be remembered, would have to shock someone else already, in other and distant times. So
wind was just moved from there, according to all those who care about the eco-tourism value of our territory.
was clear that any move to sweeten the pill would have seemed just a clumsy attempt at prestidigitation.
But the story does not pass only through the pure technical aspect or environmental or someone you think you've stretched the lead well, because the horses pulling the wagon of politics often already know where to go, especially if they were domesticated from those who did not miss the opportunity to wind off some pebble in the shoe ... (this was only good for connoisseurs: Hermeticism sorry but you can add meat to the fire when the grid is already too much smoke for themselves).
Even so, this story, like others, some that will end in smoke and, after a skirmish, everything must necessarily come back in the flow of routine. It would be too early to warm up for the next round election, you would consume energy at random. As you can see, in the end, even the noblest of instincts, always passes through the eye of the needle ... and if not usually that would be political?! (Ap)
But after this novel will be better to resume the gods of objectivity in the news, waiting for the next few hours of delicious facts.
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