Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bigest Boobsofindianheroin

My grandfather (paraisu) would call them "Mbaccafeddrhe" Cori

Here is the response of Fernando Pero opinion of the week, urging readers to use this blog from the Pittacino to avoid too long to make the window views of the site.
thank you very much for accepting my / our request.
read the answer but I notice some imperfections.
some objects and then irrefutable facts because, other personal and therefore questionable.
I mean the letter of Utopia burr-free, with all the teeth, shower, pale but anointed by the Lord and in the grip of vomiting is quite clear: he was not there to Sogliano. Like many he trusted part of the newspaper. He imagines he is anonymous, he is not present, but it is sufficient to enable him to find space in the public internet portals, while expressing serious things. Dear Angel, he was not there, he has not heard any racist chorus. That chorus has passed him a racist newspaper. So pure gospel.
While not versed in the mechanisms of this world, I will I take the complicity when the news gets posted. You will not be a fault I'm doing. I say that is a very fair point of view ethics. Possible that no one can challenge a topic so hot and listen to the other bell? Okay, it's too broad a speech.
Mayor for the role it plays is right to condemn the incident, God forbid, but on the sidelines of the press to write to reserve to get to know the events just is not it?
Another consideration: you write that we did not live with Pittacino to deny.
Dear Angelo: the article was published in the official midday on Monday morning, already with the denials of the Press of New Nardo Antonio Mr. Football Goal. The time to read and prepare the press and fans as disclosed in same day. How can arise
the silent consent? How could we have to distance themselves in the newspaper on Monday morning? Because we had to live with us
Pittacino? Perhaps we have been contacted first?
Those same sources (internet and TV) from which you drew the first news, because the denial was ignored?
Let's face it: the denials of blennies, Scanga, sweaty red-faced and have a "trunetto" before the "bomb Tomic" of racism. To be clear: I'm sure there Pittacino look with that dress, but unfortunately there are so many utopians, and I'll add the first true racists.
How much hypocrisy in my poor Nardo.
you know how many (referring to the readers not to you) I lighters at home while not being a smoker? I buy them to give opportunities to all Senegalese and African traders who enter the Club Fedelissimi to buy a loaf of bread. You know how many members act like me? Almost everyone! And a coffee and a drink are the minimum boundary.
I should not say to the dignity of the person, but I apologize if I do this because events have overwhelmed us. Tale of a fact about a Senegalese guy regulars Club Fedelissimi, coincidentally also named Mamadou him. Well, last year became the father of a beautiful girl, but his wife was in Dakar and had the opportunity to visit her.
Club Fedelissimi we made up a collection to pay for his plane ticket. We thanked him with tears in his eyes.
We could do it, but our heart is as big as our humility and our sense of hospitality, that the press wants to believe it or not. And in our hearts there is a good thing for this city that even the hypocrites utopians imagine. Dear Angelo, we are not comparing these people. Mamadou
day we will have to find a smile from ear to ear. Soon we lack that we deliver the keys of the association.
A final point: I took the liberty to have a view of the low-profile journalist anonymous author filter part because I like what I read through the intellect and the critical sense, which unfortunately many are not and unfortunately among them many of my fellow citizens.
My grandfather (paraisu) would call them "Mbaccafeddrhe. This deflated the shock for this case. But as you say dear Angelo, who is on this step has built an empire.
people Meditate, meditate ...
Fernando Pero


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