Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Leg Numbness On Outside Of Leg

First eyesore in the new centrostorico

Who expected that the old town of Nardo, with ribasolatura and retraining, would finally return to its former glory, you begin to resign all'andazzo peeps that already, even before s 'see the light. So far it has
only a perceived widespread disappointment with what was expected from the relocation of paving stones and for what, however, one begins to see: basoli shrunk, placed in bulk and without complying with the existing situation, cement joints too obvious, trim uncomfortable pace and who on and so forth, have been, so far, sollevatesi criticism from many quarters.
The only exception to the huge critical of which (thank God) our fellow citizens are equipped, has been the restructuring of Corso Garibaldi (the way the post office). Reopened to traffic, Corso Garibaldi, showed itself in all its unimaginable beauty, perfection is in the placement of paving stones, in attention to the edges of flower beds, in the beautiful and well chosen lamps and in the perfect division between area roadways and sidewalks. All can be debated but Corso Garibaldi no! But needless to say, and now we must also change their minds on the only exception.
This time not because of the rules of the violence but for the usual good taste. We have not even had time to enjoy the view of the launch center that once they left their fists in the eye.
A business has seen fit to put some chairs and tables outside on the course reopened. The tables and chairs made of plastic (which is a color Hi-tech that you could only sing in the Disney Hall of Gardaland) completely occupy the space used to pass on the sidewalk right on the upper stretches, Piazza Umberto I to the post office.
certainly did not blame the club owner that is not due to the knowledge and sensitivity that has historical and architectural reasons, so far, the redevelopment of the historic center.
It 's just a shame that someone has authorized (if authorized).
E 'shameful, according to the same regulations governing these types of structures in the historic center and states that Article. 4 Chapter I lett.d, "... Employment will not exceed half of the porch c / o galleries, and in any case should be a clear space for transit pedestrian least mt. 1.80 ". ... And Article 7 of Chapter I: "In the area of \u200b\u200bthe center tables, chairs, c / o stools should be made of metal (iron, alloys derived), wood or wicker. The color of the tables, chairs and stools must be in harmony with the surrounding environment. "
And since there are no temples around Hare Krishna, but two baroque Catholic churches, you just can not find any harmony "with the surrounding environment." If anyone wanted to consider the place of your business as outside the walls of the historic center, should be able to justify the upgrading of paving up to that point, if it does not fall within funded retraining (for the old town).
We waited so that reclassification and we are grateful to all those who have made it possible, but we will not be willing to turn away if someone thinks he can manage permissions with the superficial insensitivity demonstrated in this case.
Then if the operator was not authorized by anyone it is even more serious because it is a measure of how you can do what you want, with no one to intervene immediately. And this is not a purely punitive purpose but to protect the same merchants of the historic center, the desirable development of tourism and conservation, promotion and respect the magnificent architectural history that we need to be preserved by accommodating every instinct and that nothing can approximate the fate of the mortification of every effort riqualificante. (P).

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bigest Boobsofindianheroin

My grandfather (paraisu) would call them "Mbaccafeddrhe" Cori

Here is the response of Fernando Pero opinion of the week, urging readers to use this blog from the Pittacino to avoid too long to make the window views of the site.
thank you very much for accepting my / our request.
read the answer but I notice some imperfections.
some objects and then irrefutable facts because, other personal and therefore questionable.
I mean the letter of Utopia burr-free, with all the teeth, shower, pale but anointed by the Lord and in the grip of vomiting is quite clear: he was not there to Sogliano. Like many he trusted part of the newspaper. He imagines he is anonymous, he is not present, but it is sufficient to enable him to find space in the public internet portals, while expressing serious things. Dear Angel, he was not there, he has not heard any racist chorus. That chorus has passed him a racist newspaper. So pure gospel.
While not versed in the mechanisms of this world, I will I take the complicity when the news gets posted. You will not be a fault I'm doing. I say that is a very fair point of view ethics. Possible that no one can challenge a topic so hot and listen to the other bell? Okay, it's too broad a speech.
Mayor for the role it plays is right to condemn the incident, God forbid, but on the sidelines of the press to write to reserve to get to know the events just is not it?
Another consideration: you write that we did not live with Pittacino to deny.
Dear Angelo: the article was published in the official midday on Monday morning, already with the denials of the Press of New Nardo Antonio Mr. Football Goal. The time to read and prepare the press and fans as disclosed in same day. How can arise
the silent consent? How could we have to distance themselves in the newspaper on Monday morning? Because we had to live with us
Pittacino? Perhaps we have been contacted first?
Those same sources (internet and TV) from which you drew the first news, because the denial was ignored?
Let's face it: the denials of blennies, Scanga, sweaty red-faced and have a "trunetto" before the "bomb Tomic" of racism. To be clear: I'm sure there Pittacino look with that dress, but unfortunately there are so many utopians, and I'll add the first true racists.
How much hypocrisy in my poor Nardo.
you know how many (referring to the readers not to you) I lighters at home while not being a smoker? I buy them to give opportunities to all Senegalese and African traders who enter the Club Fedelissimi to buy a loaf of bread. You know how many members act like me? Almost everyone! And a coffee and a drink are the minimum boundary.
I should not say to the dignity of the person, but I apologize if I do this because events have overwhelmed us. Tale of a fact about a Senegalese guy regulars Club Fedelissimi, coincidentally also named Mamadou him. Well, last year became the father of a beautiful girl, but his wife was in Dakar and had the opportunity to visit her.
Club Fedelissimi we made up a collection to pay for his plane ticket. We thanked him with tears in his eyes.
We could do it, but our heart is as big as our humility and our sense of hospitality, that the press wants to believe it or not. And in our hearts there is a good thing for this city that even the hypocrites utopians imagine. Dear Angelo, we are not comparing these people. Mamadou
day we will have to find a smile from ear to ear. Soon we lack that we deliver the keys of the association.
A final point: I took the liberty to have a view of the low-profile journalist anonymous author filter part because I like what I read through the intellect and the critical sense, which unfortunately many are not and unfortunately among them many of my fellow citizens.
My grandfather (paraisu) would call them "Mbaccafeddrhe. This deflated the shock for this case. But as you say dear Angelo, who is on this step has built an empire.
people Meditate, meditate ...
Fernando Pero

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rct3 Platinum Cd Patch

racist and vulgar press

"You, too, the same way as other newspapers. Frankly for me is a disappointment to the esteem for the pittacino. Articles posted on hearsay without proper documentation of the facts. Subject: racist chanting stage. First it happened to ceilings and not to Nardo. Then you give space to an anonymous reader and delirious, rather than hear the parties concerned, ie Nardò football fans, both commonly found in such great location, and a surface that mayor did not even informed of the facts. "
under "review of the week" I propose to deal with the issue of anonymous journalism, and arruffone surface like the one done by the journalist from the official of the South that sparked a media uproar, and threw him to the city free mud clinging to a scoop clay. Racism is "audience" and the proof is the emphasis given to each other, no matter if at the expense of a fan always correct and very close to the city (festivities, heart friend etc.etc.) The real racists are the people who write articles like the utopian cavolo.Per's not talk about our mayor who went behind the dust not even read. And unfortunately the Pittacino did not come out from the pack. With intact
esteem and the desire of the above.
Fernando Pero and all the fans of Nardo.

We welcome his proposal and open dancing. Apparently
Sogliano Stadium last Sunday there was no choir racist. Two days later, we learn from the fans Neretina that it was all a fabrication of the media.
In this frame we too would become victims of the Pittacino that we carried the article with which the mayor of Nardo stigmatized the incident and that of a simple fan who, he said, was there during the game and wanted to prove his conviction for racist chanting.
If it was, we do not have problems of our responsibility to make amends, even if it is really hard to find a pattern of complicity in a news story that we have not even mentioned. Return the item at that time the mayor of Nardo after all the uproar that broke out in newspapers and on TV, it appeared proper and necessary to safeguard the dignity of the entire citizenship pilloried, regardless of the facts.
E ' true that the stadium were not there but the whole "frame" of the case seemed more than enough to make room for the proper reaction of the mayor and fans, because, until today, Tuesday, 17:02 11 hours, none of the fans had done vivo (at least with us) to deny the ghostly backing vocals. So if there is a real culprit in all this is the one who was supposed to, with the same diligence that you are using today, contradicted the article published on the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno on Monday.
We, however, dear Mr. Fernando Pero, nothing that we had a duty to give opportunity to the mayor, who represents all of us to distance ourselves from those events racist involving the entire city, despite the strangeness of the facts in dispute.
Unfortunately or fortunately, my friend Fernando, information is sometimes not so simple as you want to see it. In the modern fast the news that you read now is what passes for truth, even if later there will be one thousand denials. The timing of the play mistress (there who has built an empire on this speed and superficiality of information).
Who knows these mechanisms also knows how to counter them, acting, meanwhile, capped with the biggest flaw that has been created, preventing, in our case, an entire city that makes the figure of racist while taking a gold medal for their hospitality. If you can, this was the first and most important thing to do, to fight immediately, the staging of media that she says have been fitted by the Journal reporter.
Therefore, we must immediately prevent the figure of racism that we were doing, and the mayor was right to immediately lash out against them, will be served, even if the songs have never been there, to make people understand how we think of all those who have read La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.
A fan who wrote to us disassociated itself stigmatizing the behavior of his comrades, and this reinforces the truth of what was alleged to Neretina fans. An executive
the opposing team confirmed all that the article reported.
Neretina The fans remained in the meantime, no words, calling the reader (and us) that, even in legal practice is called 'silence gives consent'.
Moreover, given the complexity of the case and the difficulty to ascertain the veracity of the facts (which, as you see, it seems clear only now), she would do better to refrain from giving opinions on fields other than the green ball, because that other field, I assure you, the colors are so many and such that even the experts often can not find the right palette: Who do you imagine in a trap each other despite being innocent of racism. (Angelo Papadia)